
Can people ever be content with what life has in store for them or will they constantly be on the lookout for something...that something which they themselves are unsure & unaware of, but there lingers a feeling that if that something is achieved then probably life will be/might be a shade better than what they already are experiencing!!
Week passes by and if I take a moment to quietly think of what has been achieved....on a smaller note...yeah I accomplished what I had planned for but on a larger picture....WHAT?? To me it seems like all of us behave like tuned puppets where we wake up to see the light of the day and no matter how we feel we begin the rigmarole by confronting people with an amicable behaviour and a pleasant to accomplish the unforeseen or for mere survival ….and by the end of daylight we are fatigued by the nitty gritties…compensate our tiredness with a little some entertainment to finally retire into a comfortable fulfilling sleep to rejuvenate for yet another monotonous schedule…..all this for what??? Are we truly heading in the right direction towards making a sensible contribution into the future which is yet to unfurl??
If I ask myself whether I am "CONTENT" with my answer would be a vague…probably NOT….what is it that I am lacking.....I guess I don’t know and I wouldn’t know until "THE MOMENT" when what is lacking makes a surprise visit!!!
What is our ultimate goal in our lives? What are we thriving for? What meaning does this living have? Are we all here to fulfill some pre-set duties or are we here to decide our mission for ourselves?? Destiny…as most of us would like to designate for any bewildering moments….do we carve our own destiny or is it what we call an “Eyewash” where one feels victorious in having conquered the unconquerable while on the other hand destiny is just waiting to make us realize how foolish we were??!! While I am on a quest to find answers to these unsolved mysteries I leave you here for more intricate and intertwined thoughts to sprout!!!
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